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Event Series Tea and Tarot Group Meditation

Tea and Tarot Group Meditation

A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe 413 Bond St, Asbury Park, NJ, United States

Join our weekly Tea and Tarot Tuesday group guided meditations and enjoy connecting with a different plant (tea) each week.  We’ll go on a journey of discovery together each week!  Then, receive a message from Tarot just for you!  Call ahead for what plant will be provided and advise us of any allergies (alternatives may be provided). For all levels: Beginners to Advanced.  Bring along a meditation mat, pillow, etc. to maximize your experience! Pre-registration is required. | $15 per person. Call us at 848-217-2371 or leave us a message to secure your spot!

Event Series Sound Healing Group Meditation

Sound Healing Group Meditation

A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe 413 Bond St, Asbury Park, NJ, United States

Our sound healing group meditation helps bring peace and tranquility from the hassles of the everyday grind. Come join us as we experience crystal bowl sound healing as well as adding in some guided sounds, singing or chanting. This sacred sound bath will help align the chakras, relax the mind, and refocus your energies. Each bowl is tuned specifically to a certain note for each of the 7 main chakras. *NEW TIME* 6:45-7:45PM* Bring your favorite yoga mat, blanket, chair or pillow. Pre-registration is required for this event l $25 per person l Call the store at 848-217-2371.

Store Hours

A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe 413 Bond St, Asbury Park, NJ, United States

The Store Hours for today are 5-8pm.

Hunter’s Supermoon Full Moon Circle

A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe 413 Bond St, Asbury Park, NJ, United States

Enjoy and experience the Hunter’s Moon with us.  October’s moon is the time to seek, or hunt for what comes next for you. We’ll have a sound bath, ask for guidance in aligning ourselves with the universe toward the next phase of each of our journeys.  We will also pull Tarot cards for you for a personal message. $35 per person l Pre-Registration is required.

Event Series Tea and Tarot Group Meditation

Tea and Tarot Group Meditation

A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe 413 Bond St, Asbury Park, NJ, United States

Join our weekly Tea and Tarot Tuesday group guided meditations and enjoy connecting with a different plant (tea) each week.  We’ll go on a journey of discovery together each week!  Then, receive a message from Tarot just for you!  Call ahead for what plant will be provided and advise us of any allergies (alternatives may be provided). For all levels: Beginners to Advanced.  Bring along a meditation mat, pillow, etc. to maximize your experience! Pre-registration is required. | $15 per person. Call us at 848-217-2371 or leave us a message to secure your spot!

Event Series Sound Healing Group Meditation

Sound Healing Group Meditation

A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe 413 Bond St, Asbury Park, NJ, United States

Our sound healing group meditation helps bring peace and tranquility from the hassles of the everyday grind. Come join us as we experience crystal bowl sound healing as well as adding in some guided sounds, singing or chanting. This sacred sound bath will help align the chakras, relax the mind, and refocus your energies. Each bowl is tuned specifically to a certain note for each of the 7 main chakras. *NEW TIME* 6:45-7:45PM* Bring your favorite yoga mat, blanket, chair or pillow. Pre-registration is required for this event l $25 per person l Call the store at 848-217-2371.

Ancestral Healing Ceremony

A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe 413 Bond St, Asbury Park, NJ, United States

Sometimes it isn't just genetics that we inherit from our families. Sometimes ancestral wounds as well as ancestral blessings can be passed down the family line. But how do you recognize and honor the blessings while releasing the wounds? Join us for this ancestral wound ceremony with shaman Lauren Porter, as she guides participants in a guided meditation with selenite crystals and the medicine of the sun to allow us all to give respect to the familial gifts and start releasing the familial burdens. Feel free to bring a selenite stick if you have one. If you do not, one...

Event Series Tea and Tarot Group Meditation

Tea and Tarot Group Meditation

A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe 413 Bond St, Asbury Park, NJ, United States

Join our weekly Tea and Tarot Tuesday group guided meditations and enjoy connecting with a different plant (tea) each week.  We’ll go on a journey of discovery together each week!  Then, receive a message from Tarot just for you!  Call ahead for what plant will be provided and advise us of any allergies (alternatives may be provided). For all levels: Beginners to Advanced.  Bring along a meditation mat, pillow, etc. to maximize your experience! Pre-registration is required. | $15 per person. Call us at 848-217-2371 or leave us a message to secure your spot!

Event Series Sound Healing Group Meditation

Sound Healing Group Meditation

A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe 413 Bond St, Asbury Park, NJ, United States

Our sound healing group meditation helps bring peace and tranquility from the hassles of the everyday grind. Come join us as we experience crystal bowl sound healing as well as adding in some guided sounds, singing or chanting. This sacred sound bath will help align the chakras, relax the mind, and refocus your energies. Each bowl is tuned specifically to a certain note for each of the 7 main chakras. *NEW TIME* 6:45-7:45PM* Bring your favorite yoga mat, blanket, chair or pillow. Pre-registration is required for this event l $25 per person l Call the store at 848-217-2371.

Event Series Shamanism Classes – Summer Group

Shamanism Classes – Summer Group

A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe 413 Bond St, Asbury Park, NJ, United States

Join A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe’s Lauren Porter on a series of monthly classes to learn the introduction of shamanism. Learn how to properly journey to meet your medicines and allies, clear and create sacred space, put together a mesa & medicine bag, work with the plant, animal and stone kingdoms, embrace your shadow self, dreamwork and much more. If you are interested, call the store to secure your spot at 848-217-2371. Classes meet the first Saturday of each month.