Reiki Certification and Training

We are pleased to offer Reiki Training and Certifications for all levels: I, II and III.
Each level includes an Attunement and Certificate of Completion

Students who have already received prior Reiki attunements will need to provide their Certificates of Completion of pre-requisite levels as required.

Reiki Level I
Have you been drawn to energy healing and want to learn what Reiki is about? Get started on your Energy Healing journey with Reiki Master Maria Martin. You will learn how to nurture and heal the light within yourself and others. In this workshop, we will start with a guided meditation and Maria will teach you the basics of the art of healing with Reiki including:

  • What is Reiki?
  • History of Reiki
  • How does it work?
  • Interactive discussions
  • The Chakra System (Basics)
  • Self-Healing Hand Positions
  • Practice Self-Healing
  • Self -Grounding
  • Self and Space Clearing
  • Plus More!

You will receive your Reiki Level I attunement!

$195.00 per person – Cost includes participation in three Healing Circles, pendulum and course materials.

Private classes are available during the week and on weekends. Contact Maria for availability.

Reiki Level II
This workshop is the second step on your Energy Healing journey. Come join Reiki Master Maria Martin in this workshop to learn and practice Reiki. As healers we have the deep desire to help, heal and nurture the light within ourselves and others. In this level two workshop, we will begin with a guided meditation and breathing exercises. In addition to getting your second attunement, you will learn the art of healing with Reiki including:

  • Review of Level I Reiki Practices
  • How to Heal Others
  • Hand positions for Healing Others
  • Distance Healing
  • Interactive discussions
  • Mental and Emotional Healing
  • Practice Healing others in class
  • Reiki Symbols – Uses and Meanings
  • Using Pendulums in conjunction with Reiki
  • The Chakra System (More in depth)
  • Plus More!

Pre-requisite Reiki I Certification; $225.00 per person – Cost includes participation in three Healing Circles, Individual Healing crystal and course materials.

Private classes are available during the week and on weekends. Contact Maria for availability.