Dreamcatcher Making Workshop
A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe 413 Bond St, Asbury Park, NJ, United StatesLearn the history of the dreamcatcher and its native traditions, then with the help Lauren, make your own personal, unique catcher of dreams. You can make one for yourself, or a loved one in this two hour workshop. Price includes cost of materials $45.00 per person. Pre-Registration is required.
Be Witched 101 Class
A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe 413 Bond St, Asbury Park, NJ, United StatesThis class is a 12-month course with one class each month taught by Anthony and Sara. They will take you thru a magickal year and instruct you on the correct ways to learn the “craft,” guiding you on your journey. Anthony is a High Priest and Sara a High Priestess, each with decades of knowledge and practice in the arts. NEW CLASS FORMING! "BE WITCHED 101" Call us at 848-217-2371 to register. $25.00 each per person. | Pre-registration is required.
October Drum Circle & Holistic Fair
A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe 413 Bond St, Asbury Park, NJ, United StatesJoin us from 1:30pm-3pm for our Free Drumming Circle. Led by store Shaman, Lauren Porter. The Native American style drumming will tune our bodies to the heart beat of the Earth, healing our heart's rhythm, blood and energy flow. The sounds of the circle also can clear our minds, help us in releasing stress, anxiety and pent up emotions. Together, we will create a song through drumming, rattling, singing, dancing and more. Just as the ancient natives of our Earth. You may bring one instrument (a drum, rattle, bell, etc.) to play, or simply come and enjoy the company. At...
Group Meditation
A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe 413 Bond St, Asbury Park, NJ, United StatesCome join our weekly guided meditation. Destress from your hectic weekend and Manic Monday. Recenter and regroup yourself for the coming week and be ready for whatever life brings your way. For all levels; from beginners to advanced. Bring along your favorite meditation mat, pillow, etc. to maximize your experience. Pre-registration is required. | $10 per person. Call us at 848-217-2371 or leave us a message to secure your spot!
Sound Healing Group Meditation
A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe 413 Bond St, Asbury Park, NJ, United StatesOur sound healing group meditation helps bring peace and tranquility from the hassles of the everyday grind. Come join us as we experience crystal bowl sound healing as well as adding in some guided sounds, singing or chanting. This sacred sound bath will help align the chakras, relax the mind, and refocus your energies. Each bowl is tuned specifically to a certain note for each of the 7 main chakras. *NEW TIME* 6:45-7:45PM* Bring your favorite yoga mat, blanket, chair or pillow. Pre-registration is required for this event l $25 per person l Call the store at 848-217-2371.
SPECIAL EVENT: Medium Readings
A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe 413 Bond St, Asbury Park, NJ, United StatesDo you have a loved one who has passed that you would like to communicate with? Cherise can mediate your connection and help you convey what you would like to say, as well as pass on to you any messages from the other side. Session is 45-60 minutes. | $125.00 per person
Group Meditation
A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe 413 Bond St, Asbury Park, NJ, United StatesCome join our weekly guided meditation. Destress from your hectic weekend and Manic Monday. Recenter and regroup yourself for the coming week and be ready for whatever life brings your way. For all levels; from beginners to advanced. Bring along your favorite meditation mat, pillow, etc. to maximize your experience. Pre-registration is required. | $10 per person. Call us at 848-217-2371 or leave us a message to secure your spot!
Sound Healing Group Meditation
A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe 413 Bond St, Asbury Park, NJ, United StatesOur sound healing group meditation helps bring peace and tranquility from the hassles of the everyday grind. Come join us as we experience crystal bowl sound healing as well as adding in some guided sounds, singing or chanting. This sacred sound bath will help align the chakras, relax the mind, and refocus your energies. Each bowl is tuned specifically to a certain note for each of the 7 main chakras. *NEW TIME* 6:45-7:45PM* Bring your favorite yoga mat, blanket, chair or pillow. Pre-registration is required for this event l $25 per person l Call the store at 848-217-2371.
Light Language Activation/Workshop
A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe 413 Bond St, Asbury Park, NJ, United StatesIn this workshop, Michael will explain in depth the language of the light. He will channel it to each participant, giving them an activation of their unique light codes. This workshop is a great way for beginners to learn about and experience Light Language. $25.00 per person. | Pre-Registration required.
Crystals 101 Class
A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe 413 Bond St, Asbury Park, NJ, United StatesWhether you are new to collecting, or have been drawn to them for a long time, this workshop will help you to have a working knowledge and relationship with your stones and crystals. We will go over how to choose stones by vibration and feel, how to work with them in your everyday life, how to easily care for your collection and more! Class includes 2 stones/crystals. $65.00 per person | Pre-registration is required.